Tag: Giovanni
Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands at Target!
The times, they are a changin’… and they be lookin’ FOIN! The cruelty-free, vegan, and even natural beauty section at Target has seriously flourished in the past couple years—thank Godzilla, because I don’t want to...
Vitamins for your hair? Try Giovanni Organic Haircare!
We all know how important daily vitamins are. Well, it turns out vitamins can work wonders for your hair. I know I’m always aspiring to have commercial-worthy luscious locks but unfortunately my hair needs a lot of love. Giovanni has a...
The answer to all of your sticky situations…
The other day, while on my way to meet a friend, I scarffed down some take-out Mexican food in my car, and subsequently I had some seriously potent-smelling burrito fingers. Luckily, I keep a stash of Giovanni’s organic, antibacterial travel...