Tag: vegan skincare
Vegan & Cruelty-Free Favorites for August 2019 [VIDEO]
Today I’m sharing some of my recent beloved beauty & lifestyle goodies in my August cruelty-free favorites video! ? Let me know in the comments what you’ve been loving or if you also share the same excitement for any of the products mentioned....
Self Care Ritual with Green Beauty Brand OSEA + GIVEAWAY
I’ve been beauty blogging since 2007, and as you can imagine, I’ve tried a several thousand skincare products over the years. One of my favorite beauty brands, and again, I don’t say this lightly because I’ve tried a ton,...
Green Beauty Spotlight: Fleur & Bee Review & Demo [VIDEO]
According to the Environmental Working Group, Women typically put an average of 168 chemicals on their bodies each day. Think about it—soaps, shampoos, skincare, makeup, it’s just a constant barrage of toxins! We all know that what you...
Vegan & Cruelty-Free Favorites May 2019 [VIDEO]
Today I’m sharing some of my recent beloved beauty & lifestyle goodies in my May cruelty-free favorites video! 😀 Let me know in the comments what you’ve been loving or if you also share the same excitement for any of the products...
List of 100% Vegan & Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands
All right, all you Level 5 Vegans – sure, there are lots of cruelty-free brands lists floating around on the interwebs, but this list of exclusively vegan beauty brands is especially for you! There’s nothing sweeter than having to...
Derma E Anti-Aging Goodies You Need to Get With!
I’m in my late 30s, and as you can imagine, anti-aging errthang is heavily on my radar. A vegan and cruelty-free beauty brand that has been consistently churning out safe and effective wrinkle fighters is Derma E. They create unique, proprietary...
October 2018 Vegan & Cruelty-Free Favorites [VIDEO]
Gah, I’m super duper excited to share my October 2018 vegan & cruelty-free favorites with y’all! I’m hoping to make these ‘faves’ posts & videos a weekly thing – hope you enjoy! October faves included: Vanilla...
Cake Beauty Is Coming to Rite Aid!
Wow, this has been such an amazing week of exciting news! Just caught wind via VegNews that Canada-based cruelty-free and vegan beauty brand Cake Beauty will be launching at Rite Aid (←they have ~40,000 locations!)! If you’re not familiar...
My Vegan & Cruelty-Free P.M. Skincare Routine [VIDEO]
I’m always switching up my skincare routine and trying out new beauty products to see what works and what doesn’t for my skin. This is my current vegan skincare lineup for the p.m. What are some of your fave skincare products to end the...
August 2018 Vegan Skincare Favorites [VIDEO]
It’s time to share my August favs! 😀 If you wanna see more of these types of videos, comment below and lemme know! xx Favs from August 2018 include: Botanical Rush Ultimate Quench Serum MyChelle Sun Shield Unscented SPF 28 Advanced Peptide...
One of The Most Unique Non-Toxic Beauty Brands: Earthwise Beauty
Earthwise Beauty recently got a delicious makeover (not that they needed one, but change is always good), and I got to try out some new goodies, so a blog post was in order! If you’re new to Earthwise Beauty (EWB), the entire line is vegan,...
Petit Vour Vegan Beauty Box May 2018 Unboxing [VIDEO]
Petit Vour is a monthly subscription box that comes with samples from fancy, vegan, cruelty-free, and non-toxic brands. This goodie box is only $18/month or $15/month yearly prepaid, and it includes free shipping in the U.S. ($23 for Canada)....