Tag: Weleda
Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands at Target!
The times, they are a changin’… and they be lookin’ FOIN! The cruelty-free, vegan, and even natural beauty section at Target has seriously flourished in the past couple years—thank Godzilla, because I don’t want to...
Vegan Deodorant Breakdown #2
This is a special guest post by Lauren. She left a kick-ass, comprehensive vegan deodorant review (seriously, she’s tried them all) in the comments section of this post, and it was so awesome that I had to share with everyone. Enjoy Tom’s:...
A rose by any other name…
Weleda is a pretty well known eco-friendly skincare company; you can walk in any health food store and find an array of Weleda products in the beauty aisle. Weleda has an awesome philosophy and their history of being green dates back to the...