So Delicious Rolls Out Three New Ice Cream Flavors
Guess what! I’m supposed to be on a diet (ha!), one that I’ve been postponing since January… 2015! 😉 Seriously, baby weight has got to go. And when I say diet, I’m not counting calories or cutting carbs, I really just want to chill out on sugar and friend foods… starting TOMORROW ’cause I’ve got friggin’ ice cream to eat (for review purposes, of course)!
I know y’all aren’t new to So Delicious, but if you are (whaaaaaaat??), they have incredibly tasty plant-based milks, creamers, yogurts, whipped cream, and ice cream! If you’ve been longing for rich and creamy, decadent dairy-esque frozen treats, their cashew ice cream is especially redonk (they have almond, soy, and coconut options as well). ♥
The new flavors they’ve added to their existing cashew ice cream line up (Cappuccino, Creamy Cashew, Dark Chocolate Truffle, Snickerdoodle, and Salted Caramel Cluster – which is perpetually sold out because it’s THAT good) include Creamy Chocolate, Very Vanilla, and my personal fave of the bunch, Chocolate Cookies ‘n’ Cream. All of these goodies are certified vegan, gluten-free (even cookies ‘n’ cream, yo!), soy-free, non-GMO, and carrageenan-free. Oh, and they’ve got zero artificial colors and sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, or transfats… just velvety, smoooth, RICH-ass, creamy deliciousness.
Keep an eye out for these new flavors to hit stores nationally in the next month or two.

Very Vanilla
Which new So Delicious ice cream flavor are you most looking forward to trying?
About Sunny (Sunny's Profile)
Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.Filed in: Vegan Beauty • vegan food