Get Your Juice On!
For about a year now I’ve been crankin’ up my healthy girl status. I’ve cut out processed foods, gluten, and even refined sugar!! I know—crazy, right?! Since then I’ve incorporated other ways of getting healthy in my daily life. I’ve been practicing hot yoga, drinking kombucha, and staying trying to stay active overall. I have been feeling pretty superior to my junk food vegan friends as of late, but something was missing…
Well, I’ve found it: JUICING! I know you’ve heard it all before; juicing is good for you and can change your life and blah blah blah, but you don’t understand until you start juicing yourself!!
So I recently purchased the book “Crazy Sexy Diet” by Kris Carr who is the juicing queen and self-treated her cancer by juicing and eating a healthy, plant-based diet. This woman knows her shizz! The book is very informative and touches on subjects from how to balance your pH to how to overcome your sugar addiction because almost everyone is addicted to sugar…(*ahem*, Sunny! ).
On her website Kris recommends this juicer from Omega. I splurged a little and bought this machine of awesomeness and it is the best $221.14 (+ shipping and handling) that I have ever spent in my ENTIRE life. It’s really easy to use, easy to clean, doesn’t make a huge mess, and isn’t super loud. And it juices pretty much ANYTHING.
I wake up every morning to a fresh juice and it’s the absolute best start to the day! I have noticed since I started juicing that I:
- Am not hungry as often.
- Have more energy.
- Make healthier food choices all around.
- Have abs a flatter stomach (a girl can dream, can’t she?!).
My favorite juice recipe thus far is:
- Almost an entire bunch of kale
- 4-5 carrots
- 2 small Granny Smith apples
- ¼ of a beet
- 3 stocks of celery
- Half a cucumber
- A little bit of ginger
You really have to play around with different combinations to find a juice you like, just make sure that you have a 3:1 ratio of veggies to fruit so you don’t end up consuming a ton of sugar!
Join me in my journey of being that super-healthy-annoying-vegan that frowns upon those eating Oreos while watching Cupcake Wars (or the sometimes-healthy-annoying-vegan that juices in the morning and eats oatmeal cookies at night—guilty!).
What do you do to stay healthy?
This was a guest post by Christy Casusol. She’s not only vegan, compassionate and stylish, but she knows a thing or two about cruelty-free skincare! Be sure to check her out on Tumblr!
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Filed in: vegan lifestyle