Top 10 Beauty Secrets Found in Your Kitchen

October 16, 2012By 0 Comments

As a vegan, you have undoubtedly struggled with the desire to avoid animal products from over the counter beauty solutions. This is a challenge faced by new vegans and people who have been vegan-minded for a long time. And while you may find your favorite products, times change and with it so does your body so you may need to alter what you use to look and feel your best.

For many vegans, the kitchen is the best place to find products that you can use in your beauty regimen. In your kitchen, you know what is vegan and you can rest assured knowing you are not using any animal products on your face or body. Instead, the pure, vitamin enriched foods found in your refrigerator or pantry can serve to help your body in more ways than ingesting them.

Top 10 all-natural beauty secrets found in your kitchen:

  1. Avocado – This fatty food has been used in a number of skin and hair products making it one of the best items to reach for in your kitchen for a quick beauty boost. The Vitamin A and glutamine work to clear and soften your skin. The antioxidants also work to prevent wrinkles. If you get sunburn, simply rubbing some avocado on the site can help relieve your pain. There are number of skin benefits to this amazing green fruit.
  2. Pumpkin – Another great natural treat for your skin is pumpkin. Pumpkin is also packed full of Vitamin A making it work wonders on your skin. Use it to cure dry skin and you will feel the exfoliating enzymes helping you shed a layer of dry and parched cells from your face and body. This squash is perfect for the fall months, and ripens just in time to help your skin manage the seasonal changes.
  3. Coconut Oil – Rich in essential fatty acids, coconut oil is used by a number of manufacturers to pack their products rich with moisturizing agents to help your skin feel better. But using this in your own kitchen can have the same effect without the worry of added animal products tossed in. Combine this with some pumpkin to make a great body moisturizer.
  4. Cinnamon – Not only does cinnamon smell great, but it works wonders on your skin and scalp. The natural microbial agents in cinnamon help bring blood to the surface. Mix a small amount of cinnamon with some coconut oil and you can have a mixture that will help plump and moisturize your skin at the same time.  Apply the same mixture added with some honey to your scalp and you will have a natural moisturizing conditioner as well.
  5. Oatmeal – This ingredient is found in a number of over the counter products, particularly those for acne. Oatmeal works well as an exfoliating agent when it is in its natural state. The flakes work simultaneously to also absorb excess oils and help clear the skin in a naturally soothing way.
  6. Bananas – Bananas are a wonder fruit that are rich in a host of vitamins and minerals including potassium, Vitamin A, B, C and E, and natural oils. This means, they are the perfect food to not only consume but to also use in your homemade beauty treatments. Banana masks work especially well on acne prone skin.
  7. Agave – This sweet food is filled with not only a delicious sugary taste, but also many vitamins and minerals including iron, vitamin B, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It can be used over the long-term without any negative effects topically to help cleanse and moisturize your face.
  8. Jojoba Oil – With such a fun name, this oil is used in a number of ways to help promote the health of your hair and skin. Use it to help condition your lips, nails and hair. You can also use it to help remove any makeup you may wear during the day so your skin can rest at night. Add it with some sugar and you have a moisturizing sweet body scrub.
  9. Carrots – While some people believe eating too many carrots can cause your skin to turn orange, using carrots on the outside of your skin can have numerous benefits. Not only are mashed carrots great for your skin, but applying a slice of carrot to a wound can have powerful healing agents by protecting your open cut from infection.
  10. Aloe Vera – While this may not be found in your kitchen directly, it can be found in some gardens. If you have sunburn, break open a leaf of this healing plant for quick relief and powerful healing. You can also use it on your skin as an anti-inflammatory, which can be especially helpful for people who suffer from acne.

When you are ready to rejuvenate your skin, all you have to do is reach for one of these products from your refrigerator or pantry to get started with a vegan beauty boost.

Guest post by Aileen Pablo and Leah Del Rosario, who are part of the team behind Open Colleges, one of Australia’s leading providers of Nutrition Courses and Personal Training Courses. When not working, Joyce and Leah also blog about health and fitness.

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