Three Beauty Mistakes To Avoid

Over the years, I have come to realize that my most common beauty blunders have been committed in the pursuit of perfection. Whether it be over-spritzing my perfume to scrubbing my skin raw or trying to find the best bleach for my pearly whites, I’ve done it all. So how do you bounce back from these blunders? Easy! You keep it clean, simple and of course, vegan!
No Need to Over-Spray! Here’s How to Make Your Scent Stay
Back in the day, I was such a perpetrator of over-spraying my perfume. It took me years to find “my” scent, and once I had, all bets were off.
I would spray everywhere, from my clothes to my bare skin. However, two big mistakes were made in doing so:
#1 Perfume can destroy your clothing.
Hoping to make the scent last longer I would spray my clothes. Turns out the properties found in most perfumes can actually degrade the quality of your clothing’s material. Not only that, but perfumes smell different on clothing than they do on your skin. Your hormone levels, natural oils, perspiration can directly affect the scent. I learned to refrain from spray my clothes, and focus on applying it more to my pulse points; wrist, knees, earlobes and throat.
#2 Over-spraying can cause skin to breakout.
The ingredients in the perfume I was using were irritating and inflaming my skin, especially my chest and face. After a little trial and error, I found that making my own perfume out of natural products (like essential oils and water) and only applying it to my pulse points gave me the best results. Not only were these products good for my skin, but strategically placing them allowed for a more organic, long lasting scent that truly was my own.
Scrubbing It Raw
I know that the key to clear, beautiful skin is regular exfoliation, but there have been times when I have taken it just a little too far. And if I’m being totally honest, I have scrubbed my skin raw and darn-near to the bone because I wasn’t being careful. Even now, I sometimes forget to ease up and am left with blotchy, red skin. Luckily, there is a quick fix.
When you rub your skin raw, what you’ve done is inflamed your skin by drying it out and removing its natural oils. To renew your natural moisture barrier, apply some soy yogurt to your skin and let sit for 10 minutes. The acidophilus found in yogurt helps soothe and calm your skin.
Hot tip: not all soy yogurts are vegan, so be mindful of the brand name. I like Silk Life and Whole Soy & Co. because they contain live vegan cultures of acidophilus.
A Natural Way to Brighten and Whiten
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has dropped a chunk of change on one of those at-home teeth whitening kits. Their before and after shots looked so promising, but alas all I got was some serious tooth sensitivity.
A great way to naturally achieve those pearly whites is to watch what types of foods and drinks we are ingesting. Things like coffee, sodas, red wine, candy and even citrus fruits can all stain your teeth. To avoid leaving your teeth vulnerable and wearing away at the enamel try this quick DIY.
Mash up two fresh strawberries and add a little baking soda. Stir together until evenly combined then gently brush your teeth with the paste for no less than 2 minutes. The salicylic acid found in strawberries and micro abrasion of baking soda help to gently scrub away any stains without causing any damage to your teeth. You should see results in no time at all.
So there you have it, three common mistakes that are easy to fix and even easier to avoid. What are some of your common beauty blunders? Share them in the comment section below!
Vanessa is a beauty blogging babe for where she blogs about all things beauty! From product reviews to handy DIY tips and tricks, such as How To Get Rid of Cellulite Fast and Naturally, she helps her readers to look and feel their very best, for less!
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Love writing and trying out new vegan beauty products? Come write for Vegan Beauty Review! All we ask is that the products you review be vegan (i.e. no animal products). Interested? Drop me a line at sunny@veganbeautyreview.comFiled in: Vegan Beauty