My Favorite Vegan Baby Things!
I have a beauty confession: I’ve always loved using baby beauty products—even after I became a toddler 😉 and WAY before I got knocked up. Why? Baby products are often gentler (perfect for sensitive skin), less processed, they have cute packaging, and they usually smell better than big people products, IMHO. 😉 So… even if you don’t have babehs, this post should come in handy – at least the part about bath and body products. Enjoy!
My current fave vegan baby things:

- Hugo & Debra Naturals Chamomile & Vanilla Oh-So-Soft Baby Lotion, $7.99 –Â This sweet-smelling creamy lotion, which contains moisture-rich shea butter and organic aloe vera, is perfect for keeping gooshy baby parts soft and sweet (and mama parts smooth, too). I’m also a fan of the container – it sits upside down so you’ll get every last ounce of nourishing yumminess.
- Eco Princess Lavender Bubble Bath, $12.99 – I use this when I take baths with Dylan (every night), and for all intents and purposes, I’m gonna go ahead and call the Eco Prince Bubble Bath (don’t wanna make the boy blush). 😉 I especially love that this sudsy fun-in-a-bottle bubble fest is all organic and completely natural. I’m also a big fan of the lavender scent – it’s perfect before bed as Big D and I wind down. ZzzzZzzz.
- California Baby Super Sensitive SPF 30 Sunscreen Stick, $14.99 –Â This convenient, non-messy, spill-proof, PABA free, non-chemical, fragrance-free sunblock stick is the SHIZ! It easy to put into your pocket, purse, or diaper bag, and it’s vegan!
- Small Plum “Not A Meat Eater” Organic Bamboo Onesie, $20 – Okay, every vegan baby needs this fashion statement piece in their cutie-patootie wardrobe. It’s crazy hella soft and super breathable – perfect for summertime! Organic bamboo is SO soft, you’ll wanna cuddle with this onesie even when there’s not a baby inside. 😉
- Bazzle Baby Banda Bib, $12 – A couple months ago, my lil’ drool monkey’s droolin’ ways were gettin’ out of control, so I frantically searched the web for hip lookin’ bibs… that’s when I stumbled across Banda Bibs! They are little bandana-esque bibsies that are stylish and fun, and they get the job done.
- Brain Insights Activity Cards, $12 – I recently ordered the “Fun While I’m One” set, and I LOVE it! This packet of 40 brain development activity ideas help me keep Big D entertained and excited about learning. These activity cards come on a ring, and they include an explanation of how your child’s brain develops from each activity. How rad is that? – Â especially for new moms who feel like they might not know the best age-appropriate games to play with their babe(s).
What are some of your favorite vegan baby things?
About Sunny (Sunny's Profile)
Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.Filed in: Vegan Mommy