Jewelry in the Key of Love: Love Tuner Necklace Review
Did y’all know that 528Hz is known as “The Love Frequency”? It’s the harmonic vibration of soothing and healing frequencies that lift your heart and give you warm fuzzies, allow you to become more present, and help you de-stress and relax.
Now imagine carrying this magical frequency around with you wherever you go… yassss to the yasseth degree, amiright? Enter the Love Tuner Necklace ($58), which I happened across on UncommonGoods, a privately-owned retailer that features unique designs and handcrafted gifts that are animal & eco-friendly. (Warning: you’ll want errrthang from their website… quirky, fun, conversation pieces galore including gorgeous bracelets and necklaces which you can view here!)
This beautiful necklace, designed by Sigmar Berg and Tom Rohner, can be warn around your neck close to your heart or on a keychain (comes with both a short and long chain). This piece is made of copper and brass with elegant etchings, and it’s absolutely stunning. Gotta love that it’s made in the USA, too.
Suggested uses:
- yoga class
- meditation
- breathing exercises
- work
- before a meeting
- during rush hour traffic
- when you wake up in the morning
- while relaxing & winding down

About Sunny (Sunny's Profile)
Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.Filed in: vegan fashion