Sunday Mood Subscription Box Review – September 2016

September 13, 2016By 0 Comments


Oh happy day, there’s yet another vegan subscription box to fall in love with! This brand spankin’ new one is called Sunday Mood Box and it contains a fun mix of eclectic indie brands, vegan, organic and eco-friendly bath & beauty products, handcrafted jewelry, cool niche household items, art prints, specialty teas, healthy treats, minimalist goodies, and more – all full size products.

Cost: $44 each month

Shipping: US: Free, Canada: $10, International: $20


Sunday Mood’s debut September “Glow” box included:

Soapnotica Lavender & Amethyst Natural Bar Soap – I know this might sound a bit odd, but I’m a collector of handmade soap bars, an aficionado, if you will. Like, I proudly display them in baskets throughout all my bathrooms. Not even kidding, I probably have anywhere between 50-75 soaps chillin’ en mi casa right now. Anyhoo, my bar (pun intended) for quality soap is kind of up there, so when I say this soap is one of my faves, I genuinely mean it. It has a gorgeous, bold lavender scent, and I love the chunky, raw cut edge with the hunk of amethyst embedded within it.


Miss Violet Lace Rose Quartz Shimmer Mist – I love all things that glitter and sparkle (my blood type: unicorn). This hibiscus-infused shimmery rose water is refreshing and absolutely hypnotizing to look at (it does require a good shake each time before using). It smells like fresh, full-bloom roses, and the little (subtle) sparklies it leaves behind on your skin is just perfection.


Luminescent Tides Gemstone Yogi Bracelet – OK, this box is legit blowing me away! Every item has a whoa factor, and this bracelet, you guys… mhmmm. It has pink zebra jasper beads a nice sized hunk of raw amazonite (one of my favorite gemstones). I hate using this phrase, but I CAN’T EVEN. I loooooooove the sh*t out of this bracelet!


Sam Wish Goddess of the Sea Sugar Scrub – I’m diggin’ the indie branding. The dragonfly is a really nice touch. Other things I’m digging about this scrub: it’s green; it has spirulina in it (which is why it’s green), it has visible rose petals throughout, and it’s super coconutty. Only downside is that I want to eat it, but I can’t (smells so good!). *insert despair emoji*


Pique Jasmine and Mint Sencha Tea Crystals – GASP! This tea lover almost lost her ish when she saw these… why am I speaking in the third person? 😉 Anyhoo, these tea crystals are handcrafted from whole tea leaves, and you literally just pour them in a cup and add water – no steeping required. Lol, Pique, will you please sponsor me? I want to drink all your teas all day every day for the rest of my life.


What do you guys think of Sunday Mood Box? I’m personally hooked! xx 

About Sunny ()

Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.

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