Breakfast Time: Baked Tofu Scramble Tofurky Cups [Recipe]

February 10, 2017By 0 Comments

vegan breakfast

I don’t know if y’all know this, but I’m pretty much the queen of vegan breakfast, lol, or at least at mi casa, a.k.a. Camp Cuddlebear. I pride myself in making finger-lickin’, kid-approved, tasty-ass noms that even beckon my omni friends for seconds and thirds. Today, I wanted to share with you these easy-to-make scramble cups that are kind of quiche-y, kind of breakfast sandwich-y sans the bread, and daaaang good. 🙂

Makes 10-12 cups

Baked Tofu Scramble Tofurky Cups

What You Need:

In a medium bowl, mix VeganEgg powder, salt, and pepper. Add ice cold water and whisk until smooth. Melt vegan butter in a pre-heated medium-sized skillet set to medium-high heat. Pour mixture into skillet and immediately begin to scramble (“egg” should sizzle in pan). Scramble frequently and evenly with a spatula until eggs are firm (~6-8 minutes).

Place Tofurky slices in muffin pan so that they form cups. Put small scoops of cooked scramble into each Tofurky cup and place a cherry tomato on top (feel free to kind of nestle it in there). Sprinkle cups with smoked paprika and Bac’uns. Bake for 10 mins at 350 F. Let cool and enjoy!

baked tofu scramble

What’s your favorite vegan breakfast recipe? xx

About Sunny ()

Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.

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