Favorite Natural Skin Products for Kids [VIDEO]
You know me, I sound like a broken-ass record with when it comes to preaching about natural skincare (mind you, I’m not perfect, but I try, people). Anyhoo, it’s especially important when it comes to the mini muffuns of the world, a.k.a. kidlet cutie patooties. Peep my most recent segment on KATU’s Afternoon Live where I show Tra’Renee some of my fave natural skin products for kiddos and adults. xx
About Sunny (Sunny's Profile)
Longtime vegan, hardcore compassionate beauty junkie, serious cake aficionado, and lover of all things floofy and sparkly! If there's something in particular you'd like me to review, drop me a line at Sunny@VeganBeautyReview.com. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Google +.Filed in: vegan skin care • Videos