Vegan Beauty
Top 5 Cruelty-Free Foundations & Concealers for Fall
Although we all may still be in denial, fall is finally here! It felt like last week I was finding the perfect crop top to wear to the beach, and now I find myself pulling out all my sweaters and pants. With the change in season, it’s time...
There’s A Vegan Baby on the Way!
Hello, VBR lovlies! It has been SO hard keeping this a secret until now, but Mr. VBR and I are expecting munchkin #2 this winter! Now that the cat’s out of the bag and I’m well into my second trimester, I figured I’d dish about...
Join the Hydrate & Donate Challenge
This past weekend Ashlee Piper of The Little Foxes challenged me to Hydrate & Donate, which is a charity challenge that HELPS animals! Basically, you just hydrate with your favorite beverage, announce a cruelty-free charity or oganization...
Seri Naturals, Seriously Not My Jam
Imma tell you something that’s gonna shock you. I don’t like avocados. Yeah, I know. Go crazy. Lose your goddamn mind. I’ve been shocking people with this one for years. They are mushy and make me want to hurl. I can’t help it. I want...
SpaRitual: Organic, Ton-Toxic, Vegan Nail Polish
The following is a special guest post by Shelby Ricks. I was shopping at Sephora looking for a vegan nail polish when I stumbled across SpaRitual. I saw these unique colors, and they looked so vibrant, I was interested in buying some. I asked...
Manicure Monday: NCLA pink Lady Nail Wraps
Happy Vegan & Cruelty-Free Manicure Monday! This week I’m rockin’ NCLA’s Pink Lady nail wraps, a happy gradient/ombre burst of pink and purple hues. Nail wraps are so much fun! They’re easy to apply, long-wearing, and they...
Ryan Gosling, Kittens, and Cupcakes!
Because I was feeling a bit memesy, I decided to whip up this lil’ treat for all my fellow Golsing lovers. Share the sh*t out of this if you like, because the world needs more RG… especially when kittens and cupcakes are in the mix....
My Favorite Vegan Hot Pink Lippy
It’s no secret that I’m pretty nutso about OCC and their fabulous, highly pigmented, vegan and cruelty-free Lip Tars, but geez louise have I fallen in LUBS with the shade Anime (an intensely bright, neon hot pink). It’s...
This Week’s Cruelty-Free Fashion Picks
Warm weather is finally here to stay – YAHOOOOOOOO!!! I’m totally rockin’ may fave spring getup – patterned leggings, cute animal rightsy tanks, frilly scarves, and boots! Here’s a cute lil’ outfit I picked...
Mineral Fusion Review, Pop-Up Shop & Tweet for Currency Campaign
Mineral Fusion fanatics and newbs, I’ve got some exciting news! Mineral Fusion has been hosting a pop-up shop at the Franklin Whole Foods Market in San Francisco that runs until Sunday, May 11th, and they’re offering insanely good...
Cruelty-Free Fashion Friday: Cat Lady Attire
If you follow me on the interwebs (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), you’re bound to discover that I’m obsessed with kittehs (and vegan grubs, glitter, and hot pink lipstick). I have three furry fartsicorns (all rescues),...
Manicure Monday: LVX Orchid
Happy Manicure Monday! I recently scored LVX’s Orchid (their homage to Pantone’s Color of the Year) in this month’s Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, and OMG – it’s DIVINE! I simply had to rock it for this week’s mani...