Tag: DIY
Plan A DIY Home Spa Party!
Let’s face it, we all deserve some TLC pamperin’ STAT! Instead of emptying our wallets for professional facials and mani/pedis, let’s DIY it up and save our dolla dolla billz for future vegan cake binges and shoe shopping sprees....
Vegan Queso: The Best Acne-Fighting Face Mask!
I found of a gem of a face mask… Food For Lovers‘ vegan queso (I shit you not!). It has amazing astringent, acne-fighting properties, and it’s packed with B Vitamins and amino acids! My skin has never felt and looked so good!...
The Baking Soda Gender Test (For Moms-To-Be)
Unless you’re planning on spending mad cheddah to get an early 3-D sono (to see a tinky-winky or lack-there-of) before your 5-month gender sono, try this super cheap and easy baking soda test! Unlike a bunch of cheesy “sex predictor”...
The Ultimate DIY Avocado Face Mask
I call this the ultimate avocado face mask because it smooths and moisturizes, fights wrinkles, combats acne, and exfoliates… Oh yeah, and it smells (and probably tastes) good, too! Let’s get right to it! Here’s what you’ll...
DIY Eyeliner Recipes
Most conventional eyeliners contain these not-so-sexy, toxic ingredients: 2-Propanol, Benzyl Alcohol, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Carbon Black, Diethyl Phthalate, Aluminum, Bismuth, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Propylene Glycol, Silica, Butyl...
Three Beauty Mistakes To Avoid
kirstyhall/ CC 2.0 Over the years, I have come to realize that my most common beauty blunders have been committed in the pursuit of perfection. Whether it be over-spritzing my perfume to scrubbing my skin raw or trying to find the best bleach...
DIY Tricks To Combat Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes – they are a common side effect of lack of sleep, sensitivity to cosmetics, too much salt, an allergy flare up, or just a good ol’ fashioned (and sometimes much needed) cry session. And regardless of why you get them,...
Top 10 Beauty Secrets Found in Your Kitchen
As a vegan, you have undoubtedly struggled with the desire to avoid animal products from over the counter beauty solutions. This is a challenge faced by new vegans and people who have been vegan-minded for a long time. And while you may find...
DIY Ultra Potent Lip Plumper
Ladies let’s face it, not all of us are blessed with naturally super plump lips like Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian. So, we gotta step up our game when it comes to getting them looking nice and kissable! You can pretty much make your own...
DIY Avocado Lemon Hair Mask
Last week I had a mexican fiesta in my hair! Okay not really, but kinda. You see, I recently discovered an extremely simple yet highly effective vegan hair paste that I absolutely LOVE! The first time I applied it, it felt like I had just replaced...
DIY All-Purpose Household Cleaner
Get ready for the ultimate affordable, non-toxic (read: baby & pet-safe), easy-to-make, all-purpose household cleaner! What You’ll Need: Peels from 5 lemons or oranges A quart of distilled white vinegar A quart-size mason jar with lid...
DIY Stretch Mark Remedy
Being 34 weeks pregsenstein, I most definitely have stretch mark prevention on the brain. So far, all is groovy in the prevention department. I have been slathering my belly, hips and other various lady lumps with all kinds of moisturizing blends:...